ATTENTION: Seekers who know there’s something wrong with what we were taught and that there must be something more, better and easier…

Immediately Improve Your Life and Lifestyle Using Simple, Proven Mind Hacks…Uniquely Revealed!

 Introductory SPECIAL OFFER – Just $10/year

Mind Hacking Codex of Mind Hacks and Mental Health Insights

If you are tired of wasting your time, money and energy on blog posts, videos and self help products only to be left unimpressed, frustrated, overwhelmed and/or more confused, then keep reading because this is for you.

We spend our time and money consuming these products because we wrongly think they are going to helps us improve our life and/or lifestyle: feel better.

In Chinese philosophy, they call this the wheel of suffering: desire, action, suffering.

Desire, we want something to ultimately help us feel and live better; then we take action and buy, build or somehow “get” it; next we are left frustrated because that thing never fulfills us. Then we start over and desire something else.  The wheel rolls on: desire action, suffering, desire, action, suffering.

Would you like to know how you can easily avoid ALL suffering and enjoy health, happiness, peace, joy ease, abundance and fulfillment without spending a lot of your time, money or effort?

That’s what this is about…

My name is William “Bill” Cassidy and I help people be, do, have, create and feel whatever they want via mind mastery.

I’ve been using mind hacks since I was a kid. I didn’t know what they were or that I was even using them, but they made my life much easier and infinitely better.

Now, I’m sharing the most useful and effective mind hacks right here!

Despite the fact that I’ve always been a mind hacker, I grew up and got lost like everyone does.

Only after years of meditation and study did I finally understand what was actually happening in life, how lost I was and how I and everyone else became so severely misguided by our parents, churches and society.

Our lives unnecessarily suck more than they should.

We needlessly suffer because we have a fundamental misunderstanding of our nature and how “things” work.

Mind hacks are simple shortcuts that you can use to leverage your mind to quickly and easily improve your life and lifestyle.

Although I have created an advanced training course called Greater Powered that explains everything that you were never taught but should have been in a detailed system to fix what’s broken; Mind Hackers Ball and the codex are its complement.

This is about hacking your mind and life through understanding and simple mind shifts. This is a collection of the best mind hacks I’ve ever found, used or created.

And, if you act today you can practically steal your membership for only $10.

Here’s How It Works…

Once you join, you get access to the entire codex of mind hacks and mental health insights for 1 year. You also get access to all of the new hacks and insights I publish for that year.

You will gain the knowledge and understanding to shortcut your life and lifestyle improvement efforts.

Implementing any of the mind hacks will result in immediate benefits you can see. Some will be more dramatic than others, but they all work.
Life becomes easier and better
Get what you want, get rid of what you don’t want
Stop feeling low level emotions
Experience peace and freedom from your mind
Regularly feel love, joy and gratitude
Gain more energy and enjoy better health
Discover who you truly are
Attract better people, circumstances and experiences
Experience more abundance, satisfaction and fulfillment
And much, much more…

Introducing the Codex of Mind Hacks and Mental Health Insights

I just finished building this brand new repository for mind hacks and mental health insights called the Codex of Mind Hacks. Best of all, it’s a digital codex. So, sign up today you will get it delivered to you instantly on the next page. That means you can start benefiting from the Mind Hacks minutes from now.

Here are a few examples of the mind hacks and insights you’ll get:

The Power of Yes

This is one of the easiest mind hacks to implement. Simply become aware of each time you say “No”. Saying “NO” feeds the ego. Saying “Yes” expands your universe. Start saying “Yes” more frequently. I’m not telling you to be careless or unsafe, but be aware of how often you needlessly say no because of fear or some other excuse. Start saying “yes” and watch all the amazing things that start happening in your life. That’s how easy it is!

Start with Acceptance

The five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. So, if you always end at acceptance, why not start there? Denial and bargaining are wasteful and unhealthy mental activities and anger and depression are unhealthy, low frequency emotions. I’ve been doing this for decades so it seems quite easy and it will for you too with a bit of practice. Simply notice when you deny what is, bargain, are angry or depressed, then look for what you are not accepting and accept it. It’s way easier and healthier than you may think. And you’ll have more energy because you’ll stop wasting it.

Better Self Talk

Unhealthy, unwanted, unnecessary, divisive, limiting, ineffective and disempowering self talk causes low frequency vibrations. Low frequency vibrations attract negative, unhealthy and unwanted people, circumstances and experiences into your life. This drains your energy and propels you downward towards disease, destruction, decay and death. Overly dramatic, maybe? True, definitely.


Do You See the Amazing Value in These Mind Hacks?

Understanding or implementing just one of these mind hacks can dramatically improve your life and/or lifestyle; and is certainly worth the meager asking price.

And, there are already dozens of mind hacks published with more coming…

Without spending a lot of your time, money or effort, you’ll discover a plethora of unique, rarely shared insights to help you feel better and live better.

Why You Can Get This For Only $10?

I’m making you a special offer of only $10/year for a few reasons.

First, because I’m still adding the finishing touches to this incredible collection. When I finish publishing the first 50, the price will rise.

Next, I frequently publish on an irregular schedule. I publish the mind hacks and insights when I find or create them. There will be weeks were I won’t publish anything at all. Other weeks, maybe a few all at once.

Finally, since this is a digital codex, I don’t have much overhead. So, I can pass the savings on to you.

Remember, lock that price in today because I expect to raise the price as soon as I finish publishing the first 50 hacks. Which will be very soon.

Why You Risk Absolutely Nothing?

I’m so positive that you will enjoy and benefit from the Codex of Mind Hacks, I’m willing to make you the following guarantee:

If you don’t Immediately Improve your life and lifestyle or if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, then simply contact me (easy to do, I didn’t hide the link) and I will return your entire payment quickly and without any questions.

You are protected with this guarantee for 30 days.

Take inspired action and gain access today,
William Cassidy
Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach


P.S. You have nothing to lose because of the 100% Money Back Guarantee. And, when you reap the benefits from your first mind shift, you’ll be grateful you took action today. So, get it now while it’s fresh on your mind!

P.P.S. Can you really continue living your life the way it currently is? Well, say goodbye to it forever when you get access to the Codex. Again, I’m getting close to 50 published mind hacks and raising the price, so get access now.

>> Click here to GET IT NOW!